Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Wait Is Over

Actually, the wait was over last Thursday at exactly 12:34pm.

I have to keep my readers in suspense to make sure you are all still reading this silly thing. Most of you probably caught up with the news thanks to Aunt Mrs. over at One Carbon Hill (the punctual Aunt), but we  can always use a good dose of adorable baby photos. 

Introducing 8lbs 9oz and 20.25" of cuteness - Cayden Edwin Pokarney.

There are few things in life I know for certain, but I am confident in proclaiming the following facts.
  • Big Sister Pebbles was made for her role as mentor and protector of this little guy.
  • Mama CareBear and Daddy Titty Baby absolutely love when Aunt Llama and Aunt Big Boca Bob spend approximately 8 hours entertaining each other in the hospital room. We are the funniest people we know and we are not shy in sharing that message.
  • This family of four shares a love that can match no other. When Officer Bob and I decide to start a family of our own, they will serve as inspiration for the true meaning of the word. I am grateful for the opportunity to sit back and watch them grow in their own happiness. Thank you for letting me be a tiny part of your magical world.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Passing The Time Waiting For The Brother of Pebbles


Pebbles's Brother.

I'm talking to you.

Hurry up and get out here.

I am running out of things to occupy my time waiting for your arrival. While not so patiently waiting, I have realized the following:

1. Amazing Sidewalk Art Amazes Me - Simply Amazing

2. My Christmas List this year has exactly one item - a sleeping bag with legs. Yes. Please.

3. Ellen and I have been, currently are, and always will be BFFs.

Okay - so they may not be GREAT accomplishments, but I would like to think I am using my time wisely. I also decorated the house for holiday festivities. Officer Bob loves this time of year (note: sarcasm).

In conclusion, the suspense is killing me.

Let's go baby boy. Aunt Big Boca Bob is ready to do some cuddling :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Happy Catalogidays

Today I walked to the mailbox (with hesitation I might add as I recently received a jury duty summons from said mailbox) and I peered inside only to find this.......

ELEVEN catalogs.

I am on the mailing list from crappy catalog heaven. So what does one do with all of this reading material? Take it to work and spend your lunch break gazing over the crappiest potential Christmas gifts ever. Obviously.

If anyone is looking for a willie warmer (used exactly for what you were thinking), a wine dispensing sports bra, an "I Survived Sharknado" tshirt, an electric peanut butter maker, a set of cat coasters, a crocodile bird feeder, a set of dress up squirrel magnets, a bacon popcorn kit, a Bigfoot ornament, a Wonder Woman Mrs. Potato Head, camouflage toilet paper, or a moose oven mitt, please let me know. I have resources for you.

The holiday season is officially here.

I have the mailbox to prove it.

P.S. The wine dispensing sports bra is on sale. Worth it.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

#1 Most Awesome Thing About Being An Exercise Specialist

Wearing elastic waist sweatpants to work EVERY DAY in the winter

  • No shaving legs
  • No stress over "that time of the month" bloat
  • No concern for holiday eating habits 

Every day I wake up about as happy as a tornado in a trailer park.

(and I dress like I live there)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Move Over Abby Lee

I really wish I had a digital copy of my very first dance recital. I was three years old. The song was Hula Hula Baby. I was wearing a gold shimmer hula skirt. It looked a little something like this.......

Dear Young Dance Factory Preschool Tap Girl,

Don't pay attention to your critics for you will someday blossom into a freestyle twerking angel. I once knew a girl in your same position - an enthusiasm for the stage and a colorful rhythm beating from your imaginative soul. That little girl turned into the REPEAT champion of her town's talent contest AND is able to add college bar Rihanna Dance-off Gold Medalist to the list of awards and recognitions on her resume. You keep on shining, my friend, for you are going places. I am a proud witness to your talents.

Broadway couldn't handle us, baby!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Fall Traditions

In case I haven't mentioned it before, I HEART FALL.

I heart the smell.
I heart the sound.
I heart the feel.
I heart the taste.

Fall is a sensory overload and I seriously can't get enough of it.

I believe my affinity for this specific season can be attributed to Mama Dirt and her sense of tradition. I was raised in a family that went apple picking every year the leaves began to change. We would watch football every Friday night, cook hot dogs over an open fire in the backyard, and engage in the sport of competitive pumpkin carving. I thank you, Mama Dirt, for making the time to let us breathe in the brisk fall air for I now get to share those experiences with new generations.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend this year's apple picking trip with Huracan and his little bean burrito offspring, but the pictures I received via text message let me be a part of the action. It was reported that Beans was quite the determined little picker as she huffed and puffed and tugged at each apple within reach. Mama Dirt was forced to purchase more than a couple bushels as the stubborn Beans would just not quit. She will make a faithful employee someday. I love that girl to pieces.

This past weekend, CareBear, Titty Baby, Pebbles, Officer Bob, and I loaded up in the trusty blaze and made the trip to the orchard. The King and Niepoetter families completed our happy little caravan. We ventured out early Sunday morning. It would have been early Sunday morning had church not forced yours truly to hold up the trip. My tardiness was forgiven as there is obviously no competing with the Big Guy upstairs. In my absence from Pebbles lately, I have earned a new name. Her father has convinced Pebbles that I am "Brown Bear". Cute, huh? Yeah.....I didn't think so either. I guess there are worse things to which I could be compared. You know the saying - "Better to be a Brown Bear than a Titty Baby!"

Highlights from the trip include the following:
  • Even at 8 months pregnant, CareBear is a fearless full of energy Mama.
  • I love other people's kids (most of the time). The cuteness is overwhelming.
  • Other people's kids are even cuter when they call me Mrs. Febuh.
  • Pebbles is an independent woman who can not and will not be contained to being carried in single file lines. She needs to be given the freedom to fly on her own terms. Even if these terms mean riding on the footrest of a stroller in a very crowded orchard market.
  • Officer Bob's friends are quietly funny. Just like him. It makes me happy.
  • I don't like llamas. (Sorry Tina.) I just don't see the draw in these spitting smelly animals nor do I want to pay 25 cents to feed them tiny green pellets. Gross.
  • I need to kick the habit of forgetting my camera when engaging in family traditions. These memories need to be captured.  
  • Pumpkin picking is the perfect activity for an independent two year old ready to make grown up decisions like big pumpkin vs. wittle pumpkin. In case you were wondering, wittle pumpkin won.
  • Titty Baby and I have the same sense of humor and we will always be funny. Always.

Officer Bob and I finished the weekend by watching football and drinking hot chocolate. Love.

"Autumn - the year's last, loveliest smile." - William Cullen Bryant

P.S. I am contemplating enrolling in PSLAA (Pumpkin Spice Latte Addicts Anonymous) Who's with me?

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Check, Check, 1-2

Is this thing on?

Because I have no great excuse for my month long hiatus from the blogging world, I am not even going to try to create some lie about my rest from written word.

After a whirlwind of a summer, I feel renewed. I feel rejuvenated. I feel ready for what the world tosses my way. There a few unknowns in the Casa de Bob household, and it is too easy to get bogged down with the worries and the why's. Nonsense. "Life is too short to be anything but happy."

I truly believe that.


If anyone is even still reading this, I want to thank you. Thank you for being a part of this blog. Thank you for being a part of what inspires me. Thank you for being a part of inspiring who I will become.

The summer allowed me to bask in a fantasy of newlywed bliss, but the real world has been knocking on the door for the past few weeks, and I am finally ready to let him in. After he wipes his feet of course. I am ready to accept the challenges before me with an open mind and warm heart. I encourage you to do the same for it is in those moments that your true light can shine.

This blog will continue to remain an uncensored portrayal of life at Casa de Bob, but a recent video from Kid President has made me question the ultimate purpose of Big Boca Bob. People have the power to do great things - AMAZING things. Miley Cyrus aside, I really think the world is full of remarkable people with remarkable dreams. We can help each other make miracles happen and the world wide web can help us do it. Technology is this foreign tool that we as humans are still attempting to master. If you are looking for your own inspiration, I have an idea where you can start.

A message from Kid President:

"Let's take back the Internet and do something GREAT!


Challenge Accepted.

What about you?

Monday, August 19, 2013

I Think I Missed My One Week Deadline..........


Labor Day is in two weeks and what have I accomplished this summer?

Bridal showers, bachelorette parties, mud runs, baby showers, birthday parties, baseball games, road races, booze cruisin', weekend jet setting, girls night outs, weddings, and lots of quality time with friends and family. Life in your late twenties is pretty darn exhausting........incredibly entertaining..........but exhausting. The 2013 fun is only half over and the fall will keep bringing the fun. - as long as The Bobs can keep up. Phew!

In the midst of the summer crazy, I have failed to get regular updates on the growing jelly bean known as Gremlin. I have failed to spend quality time with my super adorable nieces and nephews who are all approaching their second birthdays. I have failed to complete home projects in desperate need of updating (We are currently unable to use the back door as the handle fell of months ago, and I have yet to fix it - The evening walk from the back garage to the front door has become part of the Bob daily routine.) I have failed to take my poor four legged children on regular walks because I am just too tired from all my people fun. I have failed to maintain a vacuumed household. I apologize to all those who my failures have affected.

HOWEVER, I HAVE fully succeeded my ONE major goal of summer 2013 - truly enjoy life as a newlywed. Check!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Doctor Dumpster Boy

This past Saturday this guy celebrated his 23rd birthday.

This coming Saturday this guy will be moving many miles away from the place he has called home for the last 23 years.

In just a couple weeks, this guy will be inducted into med school with a fancy pants White Coat Ceremony.

But let me remind you that 20 years ago, this guy was my little shadow, my partner in crime, my bestest little brotha. I truly hope that never changes.
This is the guy I remember.

My faithful readers have witness the chronicles of El Aguila's journey from boy to man over the last few years, but one would say that his true journey has just begun.

From dumpster boy to doctor. Miracles do happen.

 "Thumbs Up" for a successful transition into your newest adventure, buddy.


P.S. Please don't forget about us little people.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Glance Into The Future

After arriving at work this morning, I booted up my 1994 PC to find my inbox flooded with e-mails from co-workers who had apparently spent the morning catching up on the latest YouTube celebrities. After seeing that Grand Puba also caught on to the Dancing Nana phenomenon via facebook, I decided she would be the perfect subject for this week's post. I am not sure if family/friends would agree, but co-workers have concluded that the following video represents Big Boca Bob in approximately 50 years.

If this is how my co-workers see me, I must be doing something right. Flash forward a few decades and visualize this same video with a pretty awesome Hispanic woman dancing down the stairs with Gangam Style blasting from the speakers. I can only hope to make my future children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren beam with pride as the world views my sweet hip thrusts and fancy footwork. Skills like this just shouldn't go to waste.
I spent the last 20 minutes typing an e-mail to this woman as I truly believe she is an idol to many. Try watching this video without smiling. It just can't be done. If you prove me wrong, you have no soul and we should most likely terminate our relationship. Just kidding......but not.
"We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance!"

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What Happens In Vegas............

Stays in Vegas.

Unless you are the author of a blog - in which case all stories will be posted for public viewing.

Sorry, Sergeant Bob.

The Bobs returned last night from a 4 night stint in Sin City and though I am a fan of the rock star lifestyle, I must admit I was ready to come home to my quaint little life. I have been spoiled by small town living for the majority of my existence and sometimes I forget how big, awkward, R-rated, and extremely weird this world and it's inhabitants can be. "Vegas After Dark" was a great reminder!

Key Points/Observations:
  • The Dramamine/Ginger mix is a lifesaver in curing motion sickness. - Sergeant Bob has struggled all 28 years of his life with nausea in all modes of transportation (cars, boats, trains, planes, etc.....) He started the Dramamine/ginger cocktail 24 hours prior to Vacation Day 1 and remained consistent with his dosage. Results? No airborne vomiting. One "in flight" sarcastic, obnoxious, happy go lucky husband. One "in flight" annoyed wife. I think I liked him better before he found the cure. 
  • Two words. Complimentary Upgrade. - Upon arrival at the Luxor Hotel & Casino, we were greeted with a room upgrade during our stay. Hello big screen TV and larger than life bathtub. Sergeant Bob would have stayed all four days in his rock star room had I let him.
  • Buffets are overrated. - When booking the Vegas Vacation, several friends/family gave input on the must-haves and go-tos in the big city. All mentioned the glorious buffets for which the city is known for. However, The Bobs soon realized that the heat of the Nevada sun does little for one's appetite and the buffet is not so much worth the wait. Food? Meh. Ok. Line? Ridiculously unnecessary. Cost? Maybe worth it for the gamblers. Overall Experience? 6 out of 10.
  • Celebrity sightings make me giddy. - I act like an overexcited teenager in the company of celebrities. I am not known to muzzle my enthusiasm and being so close to the self-proclaimed Mindfreak made me squeal with joy. Sergeant Bob suggested the purchase of front row seats to Criss Angel's Cirque de Soleil show and while I was skeptical of the seat placement, I reluctantly agreed. This show is MESMERIZING. My husband touched Criss Angel with his bare hand and I immediately grabbed it, held it to my own, and sighed in amazement. I vowed to never wash the hand that touched the hand that touched the hand of Criss Angel. Ahhhh.........Other celebrity sightings included Ndamukong Suh and Pete Rose. If you don't know who they are, we can not be friends.
  • Heels are a poor choice for footwear. - Wanting to fit in with the fashion fads of the big city, I made sure to pack my "hot heels" for nights out. I wore them once. The Strip does not accommodate high heeled women. Blisters will form, arches will ache, and wives will pout. I learned my lesson. 
  • Sin City cocktails will knock you out. - During date night at a fancy smchancy steakhouse (at which I had the delectable lamb and Sergeant Bob opted for the tender bison), I ordered a cool cucumber cocktail to partner my meal. Remember the heels? Try walking in those after consuming said cocktail. Wowza! Luckily I was able to sober up next to my new boyfriend, Criss.

  • Husbands will go to all lengths to please their wives on vacation. - Maybe this is just my husband. In that case, I consider myself extremely lucky. At the pleading of his wife, Sergeant Bob made the hour long trek down the strip (one way) not once, not twice, not three times, not four times, but FIVE times during the course of our stay in order to capture photography of the best sights and sounds of Vegas both in the sun AND after dark. That totals AT LEAST 10 straight hours of walking time. That, my friends, is love. P.S. Two of those walks ended in show cancellations and Sergeant Bob didn't bitch once about it. 

  • Ziplining offers the most amazing adrenaline rush. - If you can first survive the long, super vertical, 20 lb equipment toting free hike up the very scary rail-less mountain, the ride down via zipline will cause your heart to jump to your throat and your blood to rush with a mixture of emotions including but not limited to fear, joy, and excitement. My palms are still sweating as an after effect of that first ride down. After polling both parties, the Bootleg Canyon Zipline scored highest in best Vegas experience. I can't describe to you in words the beauty of the views atop the mountains or the sensation of gliding 2500 ft at 65 mph with nothing but two small caribiners holding you in place - truly memorable experience with the love of my life.
  • The mixture of alcohol and sun exposure bring out the crazy in people. - I devoted Saturday to a dear friend's bachelorette party in the city of Sin. 8 hours of pool time soaking up the rays and sipping on expensive domestics led to sights I will never be able to erase from my memory. I'm not sure if it's because I am in my LATE 20's or if it's due to my recent nuptials, but I will never understand the male-female interactions taking place that day. I could literally see the STD's jumping from one person to the next. Drunk people are funny. Horny and funny. Thank god for the chlorine in the pool. It kills everything, right?
  • Vegas Nightclubs are NOT for the faint of heart. - You have not truly lived until you experience the COMPLETE CHAOS of Vegas nightlife. Club promoters LOVE bachelorette parties because club promoters LOVE drunk girls because club promoters LOVE drunk guys that will spend their entire life savings trying to impress and/or bed said drunk girls. It's a not-so-clever technique for increasing profit. Due to the nature of our celebration, we girls received free access to an exclusive club at the end of the strip. The term exclusive can be defined as loud, obnoxious, dark, creepy, awkward, ridiculous, and a multitude of other negative adjectives. I. Just. Don't. Get. It. Light Nightclub boasts a PITCH BLACK atmosphere as characters of all shapes, sizes, and levels of creepiness rub up on you while characters of equal freakiness shine spotlights down on the gyrating dancers below. My anxiety hit a new level when hands were rubbing all over me in the darkness and I knew they DID NOT belong to me. I was not mentally prepared to witness the outfit choices of my peers and even the free drinks being handed to us by men looking for more than I was willing to offer were not enough to entice me to stay. My Exclusive Vegas Nightclub experience was short lived. 
The Bobs truly loved the overall Vegas experience, and though we may not be experts, if you are looking to travel to the NV any time soon, please let me know if you need any tour guide advice. You just can't beat the food, fancy, and fun that this city has to offer and I'm overjoyed that I was able to cross off Summer of 2013 bucket list items.

Final Rating? 8.5 out of 10.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


If your summer is anything comparable to the happenings at Casa de Bob, I'm sure you can sympathize with my lack of blogging time. The days get busier, but the excitement keeps building.

And that my friends is what leads me to this post..............

I am currently interrupting your summer fun to bring you this SUPER BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. Pebbles and her adorable little piggy tails have some news to share:

No - your vision is not failing you. Pebbles can hold her excitement no more. This only child expires November of 2013 and I know SEVERAL family members who are anxiously awaiting Baby Gremlin's arrival. Titty Baby once again gave himself the task of creating the in utero name for his offspring and he has settled on the title Gremlin. I think I can see the Titty Baby resemblance! :)

Unfortunately, I am already failing as an aunt in the realm of Gremlin blog time. His older sister will start to rub it in his face if I don't make up for lost time by incorporating the kilbasa bearing child into more written word. That and the consistent pressure from his mother has got me pecking away at the keyboard once again.

I am making a vow to Gremlin here and now as witnessed by blog readers both near and far. I solemnly swear to post AT LEAST once a week for the remainder of the summer in an effort to allow the unborn hairball to build as much fame as his older sister. It won't be easy. Some posts may fail to impress, but I WILL do it. Are you happy now, CareBear?!

"Gremlin Gab" has been initiated. Follow-ups can and will be expected.

Happy Summer Bloggers!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hobby Turned Business(ish)

The excitement from the Saturday Night Fever wedding has finally subsided, and I quickly found that my passion for event planning could not go ignored. This could also be attributed to two things:
  1. A consistent push from my mother-in-law to turn this hobby into a kinda sorta business venture.
  2. Growing up in a house with Mama Dirt - the true professional DIY crafter
These two beautiful women in my life can be credited with giving me the courage to share my creative talents with the world.

After a full tiring day of wedding planning for Daisy Duke's youngest, the fumes of hot glue and the empty bottles of wine lead to a discussion of making event planning more of a full-time biz. Daisy realized she could officially count the weddings of her children on MORE than one hand and Big Boca Bob confirmed that she too had plenty of experience in her several roles over the years including but not limited to invitation designer, interior decorator, pianist and lead vocalist in the wedding band, bridesmaid(s), caterer, baker, etc. At the time, we may not have appeared to be the most professional of event planners and the original name for the business was created - Hot Mess Wedding Planners, Inc. Since that evening, Daisy and Bob have evolved into much more than what the original name conveys. Together they hope to share their enthusiasm for custom event planning with you and help make your event both successful and truly memorable.

Fever Pitch Events has been born - we even have business cards. This is for realz.

Sergeant Bob and Grand Puba are not exactly thrilled about their wives going into business together as both men have already been recruited as volunteer employees. Little did they know that by saying "I Do", they signed a verbal contract to serve their wives upon request for all future business ventures. I guess you gentleman should have read the fine print.

It has been established that both Daisy Duke and I still need a little guidance in the whole money making part of owning a kinda sorta business, but we are still in the learning process.

PLEASE check out our website (blog) here and share with all your friends and family! We are already having so much fun with the creative themes our clients are bringing to us. Seriously - check out these adorable Alice In Wonderland Theme Invites we just completed for a first birthday party. It doesn't get any cuter.

The creative juices are flowing and there are no limits to the partnership of Daisy Duke and Big Boca Bob (and several other recruits).

Weddings, parties, and more - oh my!

Let the event planning fun begin! :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Playing Catch Up

An update on the summer fun happenings at Casa de Bob:

I am a musical theatre nerd - a trait I inherited from my mother. After she enrolled me in tap dance lessons at the age of three, I have been obsessed with all things Bob Fosse and Broadway. Mama Dirt and I enjoyed a girls' day out at the Fox Theatre in St. Louis. I haven't had the opportunity of venturing to many theatres in my short life time, but I must say the Fox is hands down the most beautiful stage I have witnessed. Behold the beauty.  The pictures seriously don't even do it justice.

The day started with a stress free ride to the big city courtesy of Amtrak. We then headed to the famous Fox for a pre-show buffet complete with a dessert table. They were more than prepared for my arrival - the dessert buffet was stocked with churros. Ironic? I think not. We then headed to our mezzanine seats where Mama Dirt and I comfortably sat for almost three hours completely captivated by singing, dancing, and the Broadway nautical flair of "Anything Goes"

Our amateur review - Spectacular singing, impressive acting, and mediocre dancing (we are allowed to be a little critical after spending 20+ years at the Susan Basalay School of Dance) Overall rating? 4 stars - great experience with my favorite musical nerd buddy - my mama.


Daisy Duke and yours truly are officially in business. I will expand on the state of our self-owned company in a later blog, but seeing as marketing is a must-have in the cut-throat business of event planning, I must make a plug. Please feel free to check out our website!


Once again, the brave Bob siblings and a few tagalongs attempted and successfully completed the Warrior Dash. A few bruised knees, a few scuffed shins, and a slightly jammed finger or two all lead to the following pictures. Man I love my family!


Sergeant Bob and I have reserved a spot on the Bootleg Canyon ziplining tour during our Vegas vacation next month. I am 100% positive that I am more excited about this venture as I will be able to check another "first" off of my Summer 2013 bucket list. The countdown has started.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

One Man Wolf Pack

El Aguila is officially a college graduate, and I am one proud hermana.

*B.S. in Biology

*Magna Cum Laude

*And arguably the most imporant accomplishment to note?
officially a ONE MAN WOLF PACK

Thanks to his siblings, El Aguila was gifted the following for surviving four grueling years of higher education.
I'm known for my slightly inappropriate gift giving abilities, and seeing as how Dancing Queen received ink upon her completion from high school, I saw it only fit for us to offer El Aguila the same opportunity. Knowing full well that he would not be interested in matching sister tattoos, I tapped into his psyche to find the next best thing.
El Aguila has a ridiculous and sometimes awkard addiction to the canus iupus species......otherwise known as wolves. Its weird. I'm not quite sure I understand the connection, and I will forewarn other inquisitive minds to not ask El Aguila for specific reasoning behind this affinity for the answer only leads to more questions. However, in my quest for the justification behind the Aguila - Wolf correlation, I have learned many interesting facts about these creatures including but not limited to the science of the "pack" and monogamous mating habits. If life's journey ever leads me to a seat across from Ms. Viera on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, I can assure you this man will be my "phone-a-friend" should a question regarding this species arise?
But I digress........
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the official branding of my brother so I sent along Sergeant Bob for photography purposes. Keep in mind there is no man more afraid of needles than my poor husband, and I'm equally as upset that I missed the chance to see him witness several tiny needles puncturing human flesh. I'm sure the facial expressions were quite dramatic.
It was reported by both Sergeant Bob and Dancing Queen that El Aguila tolerated the pain with poise and only flinched a time or two during the hour long process.
Thank you, Sergeant Bob, for also making sure to photograph the extent of my brother's obsession. Sergeant Bob's detective skills led him to discover the secret stash of wolf t-shirts not so hidden in El Aguila's car. Apparently trying to decide on your wolf attire after receiving your very first wolf tattoo is one heckuva difficult decision and one that El Aguila struggled with until the very last minute. He had to bring several options for such an occasion. Dedication will get you places, mi hermano.
The road has not ended for the one man wolf pack. In fact, I am quite certain that his journey is just about to begin. Medical school will start in the fall at which time he will be buried in books and academia - way too intellectual to hang out with us less educated folk. I'm ok with it as long as a lifetime supply of free health care and/or medical advice are included in the familial contract.

My Dearest Brother,

I once read that in the medical field you will call upon your decision-making skills frequently. You will make "good decisions, bad decisions, decisions that will occupy a moral grey space in between, and even decisions to not make a decision and merely wait until circumstance makes a decision for you."

I am not going to condescendingly lecture you on life as an adult. You have already been making adult decisions for several years, and I have faith in those choices - past, present, and future.

Congratulations, mi hermano. For once - I have no advice to give as you are embarking on a journey that I have never ventured. Pave your own way and I wish you nothing but success, Future Dr. Aguila.

Te amo,
Your Very Proud Older Sister

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