Sunday, May 19, 2013

Proud Wife

My husband makes me uber proud every day by waking up in the evening, lacing up his boots, keying up his radio, strapping on his duty belt, and heading out the door to a highly NON glamorous job while the rest of us in the central time zone are getting ready to put our heads to the pillow and drift off to dream land.

Officer Bob has a work ethic that rises above the majority of other men I've met in their late 20's. He has had the same employer for almost 5 years and has NEVER missed work or called in a sick day - even at the begging and pleading of his then girlfriend for a Sunday Funday at home. He is one of the most humble men I know and struggles with embarrassment every time I gloat about him, but he is truly deserving of all the praise he receives.

I have no doubts I will experience MANY proud moments as his wife in the years to come and the collection of those memories has officially started.

This past Tuesday Officer Bob brought home the following:

He nonchalantly sets a giant plaque on the table and says, "I got promoted today." It comes out like this is a no-big-deal occurrence that happens all the time in the same way one would proclaim "I ate breakfast today" or "I took a dump today."
What my husband lacks in expressing emotion, I make up for in excess. I will have you know - this is a big deal - not only because it takes him longer to get dressed every morning since he has to pin on super important fancy schmancy Sergeant bars, but also because I have to make an OFFICIAL blog name change. This has never happened in the history of the Big Boca Bob blog, and I'm sorry to report that my request for a formal ceremony has been denied.
Congratulations, Sergeant Bob
I am 100% positive about two things:
  1. You will excel in your new role.
  2. I will enjoy serving as your super hot trophy wife.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Small Town Life

I have lived in a small town the majority of my short 27 year life and I have lived in a small town ALL of my memorable life. Every single memory I have is a result of small town living and its effect on raising a family. I have called cities home, towns have been temporary addresses, but I currently reside in a village. The same village my husband has called home for over 28 years. To many this would mean I have been demoted in terms of residential living, but I must admit I spend most days very thankful that the population of my home town is over 50 times smaller than the maximum capacity of Lambeau Field. A young Hispanic woman does indeed stick out like a sore thumb in this town as proven by my initial welcome at the local watering hole and the persistence of neighbors needing to diversify their self-owned businesses. However, most days I put up with the less than mediocre and completely over-rated Mexican jokes spouting from the crackas I call friends because I truly love the camaraderie and comfort that comes from small town life.

I like to think my parents played a large role in this decision. I was much too young to remember the cross-country move my parents, older brother, and I made to central Illinois, but it was that choice that has influenced my opinion of rural areas. Thank you Mom and Dad for choosing to raise me right. Not too many children grow up knowing the name of every classmate (both the jocks AND the nerds). In fact - at my high school the jocks WERE the nerds. Not too many children are raised knowing the principal will come knocking on your door when you skip school or the town gossip at the hardware store beats anything you would ever find on facebook. Urban legends helped form my opinion of certain residents and the most scandalous events took place at the park next door. If your family is experiencing a crisis, there is a hot meal waiting on your doorstep every day until that crisis is resolved. When visitors ask directions to the closest grocery store, you direct them to the combination gas station/fast food restaurant/video store/local market within walking distance. These traits create the quaint environment that I could not live without and could only hope more Americans could witness even for a day.

However - I have but one small complaint regarding small town life. Small town politics are dirty - grimy, grody, disgustingly sleazy dirty. I believe during my adolescent years,  I was too naive to notice the unfortunate happenings at city hall, but now that I am a home owning adult the rumors from town meetings are quite disturbing. I will admit that I am not a voice of change in the village and I have done little to correct the slowly building volcanic eruption of the village board so my complaints may fall on deaf ears. I am simply taking this time to vent my frustration with the politics of "who you know" decision making. I would rather be associated with a "what you know" democratic way of life, but apparently secrecy and pointing fingers overrule that citizen promise. If these types of morals and ideals are modeled in small town government, I will no longer question the acts of corrupt leaders sitting in much higher positions. I am happy to hear that dirty political decisions are starting to attract media attention, and I am especially happy that the same village I was bragging about in earlier statements is also home to several proud strong-willed residents who are not afraid to stand up for what is right. Even behind the ugly curtain of dishonorable debauchery, there are individuals prepared to take the stage armed with truth, facts, and knowledge of a distint difference between what is right and what is wrong. My faith in humanity is restored when those individuals receive the opportunity to step up to the podium and voice genuine concern for the future of our generally happy way of life.

Thank you, Small Town America, for you give me something to stand behind. I am hoping my future children will someday understand the importance of what it means to be a supportive neighbor and live in a town where truth and open communication trump secrets and negativity in the character traits of those holding office. I will continue to reside in my little village until those ideals become obsolete. Faith keeps hope alive.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Summer Fun Suggestions

With the tiny glimpse of warm weather this past week and my constant desperate need to get out of the house, I have recently started researching summer fun activities. Now that I am a wife to a third shift employee, it is totally up to me to create an affordable activity-filled itinerary for the upcoming months. This is where I am recruiting the help of my friends - both those I have and have not met. I would like to dedicate this summer to a series of firsts. This mindset was sparked by a recent purchase of a Vegas vacation totally made on a whim (But of course with my significant other's prior approval. Apparently you need that once you get married - total buzzkill for impromptu vacation planning.)

I have started a list of potential "firsts" I would like to accomplish this summer. This is where you come in. I need your help and expert advice for some of these. Any tips or suggestions for the following would be much appreciated:

  • VEGAS VACATION - National Lampoon Style
    • *reservations made* HOLLA!
  • FULL DAY HIKE (Picnic Lunch Included)
    • *any hiking hot spots you suggest?*
  • NOODLING aka Hillbilly Handfishin'
    • *I could not be more serious about this one and I MUST find a way to make it happen*
    • *can you believe I've never done this before? possible girls' day? anyone wanna join?*
    • *do these even exist anymore?*
    • *there has got to be a place somewhat local, right?!*
    • *let me know of any good ones*
    • *ride 100 miles in a day* I need help planning a route.

Any other ideas? Activities should be somewhat affordable, somewhat out of the ordinary, and somewhat entertaining for a soon-to-be 27 year old gal and her friends (if she can recruit them)

What does your summer schedule look like? Can we cross anything off our bucket lists together?

Every summer has a story. The memories are just waiting to happen <3 p="">

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