Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just Call Me Rocky

Run! Run!
As Fast As You Can!
I'm absolutely, positively, 100% sure you are going to catch me
Because I am NOT the gingerbread man.

I am more of a chocolate donut man.
Round, dark, and slow-rolling.

I hit a wall today.
Around mile 4.
Not a literal wall (thank goodness)
But a figurative wall.
I find that I am subject to self sabotage.
I am slow.
Ok.....not just slow.

El Aguila is a distance runner who swears by the runner's high.
Let me tell you.....I JUST DON'T GET IT!
So far my training has tested my endurance with an eight mile run.
It wasn't as horrific as anticipated.
However, I felt no runner's high.
Chest pain, shortness of breath, muscle fatigue.
Yes. I felt all those.
Runner's high? What does that even mean?

I will note that I am NOT discouraged.
I am simply baffled.
El Aguila lies.
I vow to trudge on.
I vow to continue to annoy Officer Bob with complaints about training.

I also vow to never eat biscuits and gravy on the morning of a long run day.  If you happen to be driving down the highway approximately 2.73 miles north of Casa de Bob, I apologize for the disgusting pile of regurgitated breakfast on the side of the road.  No joke. How am I supposed to practice my sexy, Baywatch run with chunks of biscuit stuck to my chin? Gross.


The Mrs. said...

You paint a vivid picture with that unfortunate biscuits & gravy episode. Yuck!

Here's what I've learned about running over the years (most notably since training for the half): it's so much mind over matter. Check in with your body to make sure you aren't injuring yourself, but also don't be afraid to push past some pain. If I had stopped yesterday at mile 2 (and trust me, I WAS PLEADING WITH MYSELF TO JUST STOP ALREADY), I would have never gotten to my groove in mile three. And I'll admit it: walking in the door after six miles I felt amazing and was high as a kite (the legal high, that is).

All that aside, running is a very personal thing. No one is made the same; every person responds differently. As some wise friends with some half or full marathon runs under their belts have informed me, this first experience is all about finishing. Who cares how quickly we get across that line - with enough dedication & determination we'll have accomplished what so many others are afraid to tackle and that in and of itself is a victory.

Big Boca Bob said...

Such wise words, Mrs.! Any chance I can schedule a weekly counseling session with you? I've got ALOT of problems.

Munchkin said...

I read the biscuits and gravy part and i laughed, and then i gagged and then I thought "i thought they said rum" before i even read the label

i see your blog name on the mrs. blog roll and i think "i thought they said rum" and i still chuckle to myself everytime

Big Boca Bob said...

I apologize for the blog-induced gagging, Munchkin! Not my intention...promise.

I was initially worried by adding the "i thought they said rum" label to my training posts, people would get the assumption that I am an alcoholic. Then I remembered I'm Mexican. People are going to think that anyway.

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