Friday, March 4, 2011

"Gunther Gab": Week 10 Update

So I have taken it upon myself to give Mama-To-Be CareBear weekly updates on the status of her unborn child, Gunther. Papa-to-Be Titty Baby is less than amused with my descriptions of childbirth involving words such as "fecal matter" and "taint." However, I find enjoyment in watching him cringe and gag in disgust. It doesn't take much to make me smile - just the discomfort of Officer Bob's brother-in-law.  CareBear's pregnancy has been quite educational for me as I have become interested in researching the stages of pregnancy and all of the awkward scenarios through which a fetus is required to mature. (Babies have tails?!! WHAT?!)

Baby Gunther is officially ten weeks old as of yesterday, and I would like to report that according to CareBear he/she is maturing according to planned. However he/she is currently causing CareBear to feel a little under the weather due to migraines and nausea. Please send happy thoughts her way!

I would now like to introduce a new segment entitled "Gunther Gab"

Week 10 Update
At this point of in CareBear's pregnancy, the crown-to-rump length of Gunther is 1.25 to 1.68 inches. It is now easier to tell how much the baby weighs since he/she is beginning to put on some weight. (just like Daddy) 
Gunther weighs approximately 5 grams and is the size of a plum!

This week is somewhat of a landmark for Gunther. By now, his/her complete body plan is laid down. Gunther will continue to develop and grow for the remainder of the pregnancy. The fingers and toes have separated and the tail has disappeared now (see....I told ya!). Gunther has taste and tooth buds at this point which will continue to develop. The brain will continue to grow at an amazing rate and nearly a quarter of a million new neurons are produced every minute!
The embryonic heart is completely developed.

I hope you have found today's episode of "Gunther Gab" very educational. It has been brought to you by the letter 4. Please stay tuned for future editions.


The Mrs. said...

Daddy-to-be is easily grossed out by much less disgusting things, but I predict the first conversation that turns to "mucous plug" might be the one that does him in for good.

I LOVE GUNTHER GAB! Baby may only be the size of a plum but already he/she is SO LOVED (even with a tail).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update...I love the post but I still call Gunther "the baby". Gramma Poke

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