Thursday, January 8, 2015

#burritobeat2015 Day 8

Vamos a la piscina! I wish! Killed two birds with one book for our bedtime story tonight. In these subzero temps, we got to daydream about warmer weather sitting by the side of the pool all while taking one step closer toward our goal of becoming conversational in Spanish before starting school. I highly doubt Bobbie Burrito can distinguish between English and Spanish just yet but for some reason she found story time overwhelmingly hilarious this evening. That little giggle is music to my ears.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I hope Bobbie Burrito succeeds in becoming bilingual. I still hope for that for Beans, as well. She is doing VERY well with her English--which you'll get to hear for yourself this weekend! She needs to bone up on the Spanish, though. Maybe you can work with her some more. ;) My favorite is when she is rambling on in English and then every once in awhile a Spanish word pops up right in the middle of it all--and she doesn't even know she's done it! Ha! Sounds like before long, little Bobbie Burrito will be the one "schooling Beans" in Spanish. Keep up the good work reading to her in both languages, and for the good job on the blog! Loving it!--
Naked Nana

Big Boca Bob said...

I try to habla en espaƱol when Beans visits :) Before we know it the Burrito Bean duo will be able to speak Spanglish as a second language :)

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