Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sorry Its Not Wrapped

The diversity embracing members of the Casa de Bob family would like to wish all their family and friends a VERY Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa, and all that jazz. It truly is the time of year to thank the Lord for all His blessings and make sure to express gratitude and love to those closest to you.  Oh.....and also find it in your hearts to forgive Snooki for allowing the "poof" to be deemed as a completely reasonable hairstyle.

Since it is the time for giving, I have thought long and hard about what to get you, my faithful blog readers, for Christmas this year. Now keep in mind I'm no Oprah! There will be no cars, computers, useless gadgets, or inspirational books given away from this girl. Instead, I truly believe I have found the most perfect gift to share with you.

You may find this shocking, but Officer Bob has a hidden talent.  A talent that I have only recently been allowed to witness. And this year, he is allowing me to share this talent with you as a VERY special gift.

You are all the first to see an Officer Bob original piece of artwork.  He has dabbled in the form of marker and pencil, but I am releasing a never before seen crayon original. Please do not attempt to copy this piece of artwork. It has been secured under copyright law. However, if you are as impressed as I was, you may contact me for inquiries regarding pricing.

AND NOW.........



I GIVE YOU...................

I would like you to note the abstract creativity in the lack of hands and feet, and the creative expression in giving the red-masked Raphael a third arm. Let it also be known that Officer Bob does not just leave a measly signature at the bottom of his masterpiece. Instead, he offers a beautiful photographic portrait of his adorable mug.
Share this with family and friends as once 2011 hits, this Officer Bob original is headed straight back to the Casa de Bob vault.

May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace,

The gladness of Christmas give you hope,

And the warmth of Christmas grant you love.

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