Thursday, August 19, 2010

Big Sisters Are the Crab Grass in the Lawn of Life

Where did the time go? Dancing Queen embarks on her senior year of high school tomorrow. In case you didn't see it correctly, I said SENIOR year! I honestly cannot believe this day has come. The baby of the family (and trust me....she takes advantage of this role) is actually in her last year of education in the halls of good 'ol EHS. I'm not sure if this is so shocking to me because it means I have been out of those halls for over 6 years now or if it's because of Dancing Queen's young-at-heart personality. I just can't believe this girl will be branching out on her own soon.

I was perusing through the housewares aisle of Walmart yesterday (an aisle I should take stock in because I have spent many hours there over the past couple of weeks) when I ran into a family friend. After the basic exchange of the common greeting, "Hello...How have you been?", this fellow shopper jumps right to the topic of the similarities of Dancing Queen and I. As mentioned in a previous post, we get this alot. I mean.....ALL.THE.TIME. However, this time the phrase was worded a little differently. Dancing Queen has been told for years, "You remind me so much of your sister!" or "You look just like your sister!" A small town is not exactly the greatest environment for two sisters who share very similar personalities and very similar looks. Teachers have even gone to the extremes of confusing her with I in the classroom. Whoops! Sorry, Dancing Queen. However, Dancing Queen has embraced her role as "Big Boca Bob's sister" with an extra burst of pizazz. In a turn of events, however, during conversation next to the oven mitts (of which I bought two), I was told "You look and act so much like your sister!" I should have you know, Dancing Queen, that my initial response to this comment was "Thank you for the compliment." It's true. Dancing Queen has matured into an AWESOME broad, and I honestly take it as a compliment to hear that I remind others of HER with my mannerisms and dashing good looks. It was at that moment that I realized Dancing Queen is a full-blown, real-life adult! Scary thought I know. Others now see us on the same page. Dancing Queen is no longer the shorter shadow of myself. Instead, she is the taller (yes I said it) more beautiful young woman who continues to mature every day.
I would like to now take this time to congratulate you, Dancing Queen, on surviving many years of childhood as my twin in matching outfits, matching hairstyles, and hand-me-down clothes. You are now you! You are a unique individual that I am able look to up to (both figuratively and literally). By unique I mean a little goofy, often uber-outgoing, and sometimes just outright crazy. You have a contagious personality and a love for life. I only hope that I can now live up to your strong qualities as a friend, sister, and overall great human being.

Good luck during your senior year, Dancing Queen. Take advantage of all the opportunities to make long-lasting memories. Know that I am always here for you if you need to chat or choreograph a freakin' sweet dance routine. I refuse, however, to help with any sort of homework. Those days are behind me, and I politely decline any opportunity to suffer through them again. Have fun.....the year will fly by, and I'm not sure the world is ready for you.

Oh....and by the way.....
Has anyone ever told you that you look and act just like your sister?!


Anonymous said...

You and your sister are so sweet. It's nice to see that you get along so well. Good luck with your senior year, Dancing Queen!

Anonymous said...

This made the Llama cry.....happy tears though

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