Thursday, September 8, 2011

Some people think football is a matter of life and death..........

I assure you, it's much more serious than that.

The most anticipated time of year has come. Forget Santa, The Easter Bunny, or even that questionable fairy that runs around stealing the molars from our youth. The most important, long anticipated, day of the year has arrived.


It surprised me to find out that even mother nature might actually be a fan of the pigskin as the temperatures dropped and the chilly fall weather arrived in honor of this famed day. However, she does get a little moody and perhaps "pouts" when things don't go her way. Hence the rain. Must be a Bears fan.

Even though today might be the actual starting day of the season, preparations for this moment have been a daily routine at Casa de Bob for the last several weeks. The green and gold attire has been moved to the front of the closet, and the sewing machine is training for a marathon of its own in creating garments for the four-legged members of the family.

And of course......this has been the scene at my house for the last 6 nights running:

Let me break down this image for you:

Officer Bob sits with his trusty companion, the Dell, logging into one of 5, count 'em 5, live drafts for the 2011 Fantasy Football season while talking on the phone to El Aguila discussing team strategy and bitching about player selection while simultaneously shouting at his adorable girlfriend (that would be me) to boot up the netbook because the trusty Dell can't keep up with his lightning fast drafting skills.

Even Gilbert and Reggie get into the fantasy draft action offering their father pointers and keeping him updated on the latest player injuries.

Yes folks. This is what my house has become.

If I didn't have marathon training to keep me busy, I might actually have to start throwing a little yellow flag when I need to grab Officer Bob's attention. That always seems to create some sort of emotional response.

However, I must admit, that it does feel good to train for my race wearing a
Cheese Head!


To answer your question, Mr. Hank Williams Jr.......
Yes, I am indeed ready for some football.

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