Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beans Blab: Week 25 Update

In less than four months,

This Oh-So-Adorable Little Boy.......
Is going to be a dad.

A father.

Un papa.

It's doesn't look any more natural no matter what language you write it in.

Watch out world.

Baby Beans is still in the womb and already showcasing that he is going to be his father's child.

Exhibit A:  Baby Beans has already made his mother's life HELL. A trait that Huracan has mastered tremendously well.  Baby Beans has induced enough vomiting to fill the Grand Canyon (sorry for the disturbing picture) in the first few months of his womb life, and Mama B continues to take each day in stride. Doctor's visits, ridiculous diagnoses, and constant flushing have not held this Mama back, and I commend her on the sacrifices she has already made for the little diablo. Trust me, Mama B, one conversation with Mama Dirt will make you understand that if this child is anything like his/her father, this torture will never end. Huracan is climbing toward his 29th birthday and still haunts Mama Dirt's dreams. Good luck, Girl!

Exhibit B: I give you the ultrasound picture.
In which little innocent Baby Beans is very obviously flippin' his parents one giant bird. Nothing says love like a fetus tellin his papa to stick it where the sun don't shine. This baby is already makin' his Aunt super proud! Hopefully, one day in the next couple years, when all the other aunts at work are showing off videos of their cute nieces and nephews crawling and walking for the first time, I can show a video of my little Baby Beans smokin' a skogie and shoutin' at his Mama to fix him some f'in meatloaf!

This past weekend Huracan and Mama B welcomed Officer Bob and I into their home for a nice relaxing getaway. Well......road tripping with Officer Bob isn't quite relaxing so I correct my previous statement by saying MOSTLY relaxing getaway.  This would be the face I saw 7 hours and 45 minutes out of the total 8 hours spent in the car..........

It is TOTALLY not my fault that long car rides pretty much drive me insane causing minor confusion in the location of the Berlin Wall. Apparently, it is not in China. That tiny misunderstanding, my friends, will cause the face you see above. (A face I get to see quite often!)

I was more than ready to arrive at our final destination, the humble abode of the Huracan and Mama B soon-to-be family of three. And I will tell you that I was NOT surprised to find that Mama B has got to be one of the most adorable little preggos that I have ever seen. Why do the mothers of both of my future little relatives have to be so freakin' tiny?! I'm pretty sure if you totaled their weight, I would still have a few pounds advantage on them. Thanks, Mama B, for the self-esteem boost! Looks like its doughnuts and ice cream for dinner again tonight! (I tend to hide my feelings with food)

And the day would not be complete without the token maturity of the Proud Father!

I must say, however, that the highlight of the trip may have been meeting one of Big Boca Bob blog's biggest fans! Baby Beans's Grandma B was reportedly anxiously awaiting the arrival of Big Boca Bob and Officer Bob, and I sure hope we did not disappoint! Officer Bob was only referred to using his blog moniker as the Nudist Nana and I quickly became BFFs. It is no lie that The Nudist Nana is quite the entertaining conversationalist and may make some blog cameo appearances in the future! The Nudist Nana predicts the birth of a larger than normal red-headed Mexican baby, and if this prediction holds true, I vow to love that ginger beaner to the core.

Thanks to our hosts for the fabulous tour of the town, the relaxing movie watching, and the great weekend getaway. Miss you already!

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