Sunday, August 1, 2010

Time to Make a Doggoned Decision

Those of you who truly know me understand my great affinity for furry friends. However, I am currently at a crossroads. Officer Bob and I rescued our baby, Gilbert, a year and half ago, and we have been a happy trio ever since. However, since starting the house hunt about 6 months ago, I was told by Officer Bob that a new house will result in a new sibling for Gilbert. I have put off the conversation by sidetracking Officer Bob with talk of the Packers or recent events at work. Apparently this tactic could only work for so long. We close on our house this week, and talk of an additional pet has escalated into begging, pleading, and the occasional whining from a grown man in uniform. Too bad he looks so cute when he whines. Unfortunately, I can no longer delay the inevitable. A decision must be made, and because I am a visual person, I have opted to make a pro/con list. Continuing with my recent influx of optimism, I will start with the pros.

  • Just the sight of a puppy face has the ability to turn my frown upside down. Isn't he too cute?! So innocent and playful, I smile every time I look at this puppy face.
  • Knowing I am saving a life. It kills me to walk through a shelter and see puppy face after puppy face just praying and hoping for a weak individual such as myself to cave and take them home. What's worse? Those stupid animal cruelty commercials with Sarah McLachlan singing that oh so emotional angel song. Give me a break!! I am not a crier and that commercial pulls at my heart strings so bad that the tears come a rollin'. Catch me during that "special time" and I am nothing but a ball bag wailing on the couch covered in tear-soaked kleenex every time it shows. Maybe Animal Planet isn't the optimal viewing network during my emotional week.
  • Snuggling. I have been a snuggler my entire life. Officer Bob is unable to fulfill this need as he works second shift and is annoyed easily with my desire to be cuddled on a daily basis. His idea of snuggling is sitting on opposite sides of the couch sharing a blanket. I thank him for the effort, but I need more in life. This is where Gilbert comes in. Just imagine if I had two babies to lay with during TV time every night.

  • This face.......getting Officer Bob to smile for any photograph has by far been one of the biggest struggles of my fairly short life. I've tried multiple tactics (even resorted to tickling at one point), but all to no avail. However, throw Gilbert in the picture and the smile comes out. I would hope that the addition of another furry child would create more photographic opportunities such as this.

  • An additional pet would lead to an additional reason to enjoy exercise in the great outdoors. I would no longer have an excuse to skip out on walks with my boys because two pets means two leashes means two walkers.

  • Another birthday to celebrate. I rarely even need a reason to bake a cake and throw a party, but with the addition of a family member, I would have yet another cause for a fiesta!
  • Playing dressup! As much as Officer Bob hates to see his only child dressed in attire of any kind, I enjoy putting my sewing skills to the test in order to construct a new outfit for my baby. Just imagine what I could do with two pets! I played with dolls through my entire childhood, why stop now, right?

  • A new brother/sister would be great entertainment for Glbert. This past week Gilbert's cousins, Gracey and Shadow (pictured above), have taken up residence in the same household as Gilbert. It has shown me how much Gilbert truly loves quality time with other animals. With Officer Bob working second shift and my job requiring a few long hour days, what's better than investing in an additional pet to act as a babysitter for Gilbert?
And now for the dreaded cons, I know I said I chose the pros first due to my optimistic attitude. However, I really chose to list the cons second just to bring me back to reality. Here we go.......

  • The sheer size of Officer Bob's breeds of choice. Gilbert is pictured above with his favorite Aunt (don't tell The Llama I said that) at just 10 weeks old. Even though she has a very small frame (and by small I mean her entire body could fit in my right thigh), she is barely able to hold this 10 week old puppy. Gilbert has been told by many who have met him that he resembles a small horse. In fact, his size is what got him his name. It is no secret that both Officer Bob and I are Green Bay Packers fans. Gilbert "The Gravedigger" Brown established his career as a nose tackle for the Packers in the nineties simply for his rhino-like build. Our puppy and he have this fluffy body in common. I am still struggling with the idea of allowing another 100lb beast to have free range of a newly purchased home.
  • My recent loss of 6 pairs of shoes, a softball glove, and a hat. Gilbert has taken up chewing on my personal items in his spare time. I'm not sure what he has against his mother, but it seems as though he targets only my property. I understand I have broken a promise of a walk or two, but I don't understand his need to destroy perfectly good heels. I'm afraid he may teach a new brother/sister this habit resulting in my need for a whole new closet of shoes. Now that I think about it, this may not be a bad idea after all!

  • The loss of my 1/3 of the bed. Gilbert is quite the bed hog. There is not nearly enough room on a queen size bed for two adults and a small horse, but somehow we can make it work. However, add a fourth and we will have to invest in a new bed for our slumber parties. Four is definitely a crowd, and I'm not ready to give up my sleeping space.
  • $$$$. Being a pet owner is not cheap. An additional dog would require increased costs of food, treats, and toys.
  • Forget pooper scooper, try s%$t shovel. I don't want to picture the amount of poo that would be created from another animal. I am not about to spend my evenings shoveling horse turds from my new backyard. That would be a great job for the individual who propositioned this idea in the first place. Have fun, Officer Bob! you've heard it all. What's a girl to do? While I take these next five days to decide, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as the end result will either A. Cause a grown man in uniform to sulk around the house or B. Cause a grown woman to spend her free time vaccuming hair, scooping poop, replacing chewed shoes, etc. Officer Bob's attempt to sway my mind by taking me to the mobile animal shelter bus may have worked for the time, but I have alot of pondering to do. (Note: Any additional opinions from an outside persepective are more than welcome)

Okay.....who am I kidding. We all know Officer Bob will most likely come home with a four-legged brother/sister for Gilbert with a face similar to this, I will fall in love, and then complain for weeks after. God Help Me.


CourtSquared! said...

ya i'm pretty sure you are probably getting another dog! lol

Anonymous said...

I'm with CourtSquared! I give you no more than two weeks before you're posting pictures of the new addition to your family. You can't say no to Officer Bob.

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