Sunday, August 15, 2010

Things I Learned This Past Week(end)

#1. Officer Bob should NOT let me hold anything with blades on it after a day of hard work at the house. When asked to simply even up his sideburns, I somehow took that as an opportunity to create my own interpretation of the task. Sorry about that, Officer Bob! I'm sure I won't be asked to fulfill the role of barber anytime soon. Hair grows back, right?
#2. It is apparently possible to vomit for almost 2 hours straight (liquid in/liquid out), sleep on the bathroom floor, and wake up fully recovered for work the following day. Officer Bob suffered from a 24-hour virus that left him snuggling with a pillow and blanket next to the porcelain throne. Daisy Duke at one point asked, "How long do you let some one vomit before you take them to the ER?" Answer - longer that 1.5 hours. Officer Bob is fully recovered and back to his upbeat, happy-go-lucky self.

#3. El Aguila is equally excited for football season as I. I'm still not sure if it was a great idea, but we have opted to upgrade our competitiveness for the season by entering the same fantasy league. IT'S ON!

#4. Homestead Resort Olive may look like a "shitty" color in the pan, but when it is beautifully painted onto family room walls, the room skyrockets in the ranks to become my favorite in the house. Officer Bob has narrowed down almost all the paint colors for the house, and he has outdone himself with this one. I knew I kept him around for something.

#5. DO NOT use GPS to get to my house. EVERY delivery truck has gotten lost on the the way to Casa de Bob due to this so-called advancement in technology. Apparently the GPS systems have not been updated to changes made in the heavy traffic layout of a town of 1200.

#6. A 12-day trip to Florida causes a young Mexican man to tan to a shade of dark chocolate. I have yet to see El Aguila in person, but if the following pictures are any form of visual proof, I would say that El Aguila spent every second of those 12 days laying on the beach soaking up the rays. I only make note of this because I.Am.Jealous.

#7. As much as I hate to admit it, I am one week closer to adding another member to the family. Every day, Officer Bob introduces me to a new pet found on a local shelter's website. He has even resorted to leaving the pictures up on the computer screen so I have no choice but to see the poor puppies' faces looking back at me every day. Each one says, "Adopt me, please?" I have lost all control and have officially thrown the white flag to Officer Bob. I would guess you will be seeing a post devoted to Gilbert's new brother/sister within the next couple weeks.

#8. Heat rises. Ok so I didn't just learn this, but I felt the effects of this phenomenon when trimming the highest point of vaulted ceilings. Poor Mrs E. knows what I am talking about as she too suffered through the heat in the name of succesful priming. Officer Bob and I truly appreciate your efforts, Mrs. E, and I have continued to mop drips of sweat off the dining room floor since you left.

#9. Officer Bob and I could should NOT go on the road with our own country singing stage show. After all helpers leave for the day, we blast the radio, and sing until 2am. I use the term sing loosely as its more of an attempt to keep up with the vocal stylings of Toby Keith, Zac Brown Band, and Brad Paisley. If you ever see free tickets given away for Country A La Bob, turn the other direction even if they are free. Trust me, your ears would be bleeding within the first five minutes of the show.

#10. 72 hours of paint fumes makes everyone a little delirious. That being said, Officer Bob does not have a future in modeling..........

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