Monday, March 14, 2011

Who Doesn't Love a Good Charlie Sheen Reference?

This past weekend, on top of spending quality time with the family, I had the luxury of watching Dancing Queen do what she does best.


In fact I watched people dance for 9 hours. Yes I said 9.
World's longest dance-a-thon.

However, being the supportive sister that I am I pretended to enjoy every minute of it. Ok......I really did enjoy most minutes. Especially those minutes when Dancing Queen took center stage. She makes me so proud. But those minutes when the dancers performed what they call "lyrical" translated as "dancing with a face of constipation" were a struggle.

I introduce you to the 4th place team in the state of Illinois.  Excuse the "Oh No" exclamation from the videographer about 30 seconds into the routine. Even I know that dropping a pom is comparable to murder in the dance world. The girls were able to recover well. PHEW!

(Dancing Queen would be the solo gal in the front. She's totally cooler than me.)

I would like to note that Dancing Queen (along with two other girls on the squad) received a Rising Star award. She is truly a jazz-dancin', hip hoppin' Supah-Stah.

I would also like to note that if there was an award for best facials, this girl would win hands down. She puts dignity on hold in order to create facial expressions that no judge could forget.
In true Supah-Stah style, Dancing Queen celebrates victory with a "Supermodel Documentary Hour!" (If you do not get this movie/SNL reference, I apologize. But we think it's funny. Sorry.)  Having been gifted the modeling eye of Tyra, trust me when I say that this girl's got skillz.

I, however, am still a supermodel in training. Perfecting this beauty is not easy.

Following the dance performances, the family continued the theme at the hotel. It has been mentioned before that El Aguila and I are quite competitive. In EVERY aspect of life. Dancing Queen had already proven her dance abilities, and now it was a battle of the siblings. We chose a very important characteristic of dance. Flexibility. I honestly think it is completely normal for siblings in their 20's to attempt feats of flexibility on a Saturday night in a Ramada hotel room while wearing pajamas and cowboy boots. Then again....I also think Gnomio and Juliet is a completely normal portrayal of Shakespeare. To each his own, I suppose.

They say that pictures are worth 1000 words.

The following pictures only say one word.


Once again being the supportive sister that I am, I attempted to assist El Aguila in mastering the flexibility task.
Sorry dude......keep working on it.

Turns out both Dancing Queen and Big Boca Bob actually have something in common with Charlie Sheen - WINNING!

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