If you forget about that small mishap involving tequila and a dance floor
And those moments that I kinda sorta referred to my boyfriend as a "cracka"
Oh....and let's overlook that time I walked out of Walmart with an UNscanned case of water under my cart and it was raining REALLY hard and I totally didn't go back in to pay for it. Sorry Mama Dirt.
Good thing Santa's age is finally catching up to him and
his memory is starting to slip
Because Santa Came to Town.........
And what I am assuming was supposed to be coal,
Turned into a DIAMOND!
That's right folks!
And you know I'm a sucker for white boys and bling!
I am a collector.
Not of lint.
But of hand-painted glasses. Wine glasses. Martini glasses. Margarita glasses. Pilsners. Any glass that is capable of holding alcohol and beautifully hand-painted, count me in!
Officer Bob was mandated to spend his Christmas weekend with drug dealers and prostitutes so we took full advantage of his time home in the evening to have our own little gift exchange.
One by one, Officer Bob opened his oh-so-exciting presents consisting of t-shirts, polos, and hoodies. I'm a practical shopper.
Finally, it was MY turn.
Officer Bob handed me a gift of which I was sure of the contents. All of my hand-painted glasses are packaged the same. I had seen plenty of these cylinders and knew exactly what was inside. Or so I thought.
Officer Bob did not appear nervous. He did not appear anxious. There were NO signs that anything was out of the ordinary. Therefore, I went ahead and opened my present in no rush with no anticipation.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear?
But a BEAUTIFULLY hand-painted martini glass decorated with diamond rings...........
And an even more BEAUTIFUL diamond sparkling right in the center.
A real diamond ring.
Get it?
I look to my right and see Officer Bob down on one knee in front of the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve mouthing something along the lines of "Will You Marry Me?"
And one more for good measure.
I would hardly consider Officer Bob a romantic, but I will never forget the Christmas that Santa sent me a fiance. The man of my dreams. The love of my life.
And my future husband.
Wedding Planning Has Officially Started!
P.S. I must sincerely apologize to Grand Puba. In the midst of the engagement excitement, I unfortunately was unable to post your very own Birthday Blog. For fear of hurt feelings, I would like to make up for this by providing this blog audience with a "snapshot" of you of which I would like to title:
The Adorable Years
The Swing Choir Years
The "Boys with their Toys" Years
The "Where's Bubbles?" Years
The Compatible Years
And The Reno Years
Your son got you the best gift of all!
A Mexican!!