Thursday, August 14, 2014

My Latest Obsession

My evenings these days are most often spent staring at this screen...

Squinting in an attempt to watch Bobbie Burrito's chest rise and fall signifying that she is indeed breathing. Please don't judge. I'm sure it's a first time mom thing that I will grow out of eventually. Sergeant Bob hopes that happens sooner than later as the volume of the monitor interrupts his late night viewing of Cops reruns. I swear there is a Cops marathon every other day and if you were to witness Sergeant Bob glued to the TV screen, the episodes apparently get funnier with each viewing.

I became brave enough to tear my eyes away from the night vision of the baby monitor long enough to become hooked on my latest obsession:

Since completing graduate school I have yet to have a job with normal working hours that allows for evening TV to be a part of my daily routine. This maternity leave has proven that I really wasn't missing out. However, I am 100% positive that Leah Remini and I were best friends in a former life. In that life I was also a famous TV star with a rockin' body and 6 figure paycheck. We would go on evening walks and come home to a glass of wine spending hours mocking the joke that is scientology and reminiscing about our latest party at J Los mansion at which I got into a dance off with a fly girl and won with my signature move - the Booty Bouncin' Bob.

I look forward to my Thursday evenings with my BFF as I get an amazing abdominal workout with an hour long belly laugh. If I wasn't already a member of two amazing families,  I would plead and beg my BFF to adopt a 28 year old sister because for realz - I want to spend more than just one day a week with this family.

Tonight the season finale airs, and I will spend my last night with Leah, Angelo, and the rest of the gang. I hope my pal Leah is able to hold back the tears as we say goodbye because I am not sure I will have the strength to do so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Naked Nana here again. Are you SURE we're not blood-related? Because that show has been one of MY latest obsessions also! Love Leah--and that mother of hers is a stitch!

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