So this one time...........
I had a baby.
Let's just say I am absolutely LOVING motherhood and Sergeant Bob is a daddy pro. There are plenty of amusing stories to tell regarding the delivery of little Bobbie Burrito but I will spare you all of them. Sergeant Bob seems to be a more entertaining story teller of the moments leading up to our daughter's birth anyway - If you see him and ask, I am sure he will oblige.
Little Bobbie Burrito was born June 26th at 11:04am
weighing in at 7lbs 2oz and measuring 19in.
Sergeant Bob and I have successfully completed almost 6 weeks as parents and our love for this little being grows more and more every day if that is even possible.
Unfortunately, my love for my daughter is equally countered by my hatred for my post-baby bod. Yikes! Let's use a visual reference.
Big Boca Bob 6 weeks Pregnant
Big Boca Bob 38 weeks Pregnant
To say I thoroughly took advantage of those 9 months would be an understatement.
The goal?! - Achieve pre-baby weight by November 1st, 2014.
The past two weeks have been spent taking baby steps towards this goal - enter the use of the jogging stroller. An amazing piece of equipment with which I have a
love/hate hate/hate relationship.
Observations Made While Attempting to Jog Post Baby (with a jogging stroller)
- A 5-month hiatus from your jogging routine results in complete loss of all endurance. Walking up the two step incline from the driveway to the back door causes shortness of breath. I'm sure you can imagine how jogging is going......
- There is a lack of genuine concern for the next generation. Playing chicken with a stroller is the most ridiculous game initiated by automobile drivers. If there is not a decent sidewalk, I WILL choose to stroll down the side of the street. I am a pedestrian WITH A CHILD. Please use that steering wheel to slowly go around.
- Jogging with a larger than average chest area proves to be difficult as mentioned before on this very blog. Jogging with a larger than average chest area that is now also storage for food for my child proves to be more than just difficult. I'll add this to the list of things they don't tell you in child preparation class.
- Furthermore - appropriately timing daily cardio workouts is a must unless you want to show off leaks of Niagara Falls proportions. It took me only ONE time to learn that I must head out for a jog AFTER baby eats.
- Jogging for me is not an easy task and it is made almost impossible at times when you add what feels like an extra 50 pounds of weight to push around. Jogging strollers feel light when you are just out for a leisurely stroll. They turn into giant rolling boulders when you attempt to run behind them.
- Have you ever tried running without the use of your arms - Hello Lack of Coordination! I am still not used to this task yet and I'm sure it is quite entertaining for passersby as I attempt to master it.
I'm so thankful that little Bobbie Burrito is still too young to see the humor and humility in my ridiculous appearance as I parade her around the streets of our small town. One day she will be able to vocalize her opinion of my choices so I will enjoy our daily bonding until that time comes.