Pebbles's Brother.
I'm talking to you.
Hurry up and get out here.
I am running out of things to occupy my time waiting for your arrival. While not so patiently waiting, I have realized the following:
1. Amazing Sidewalk Art Amazes Me - Simply Amazing
2. My Christmas List this year has exactly one item - a sleeping bag with legs. Yes. Please.
3. Ellen and I have been, currently are, and always will be BFFs.
Okay - so they may not be GREAT accomplishments, but I would like to think I am using my time wisely. I also decorated the house for holiday festivities. Officer Bob loves this time of year (note: sarcasm).
In conclusion, the suspense is killing me.
Let's go baby boy. Aunt Big Boca Bob is ready to do some cuddling :)
I can hardly stand it. I sent Cari a text last night letting her know that I've purposely kept my entire weekend free in case I need to make any sudden trips south to visit the new man in my life. You know, no pressure or anything Cari. I can't decide if I'm more excited to snuggle the little guy or see Pebbles' reaction to him.
Wait, that's a lie. I'm definitely more excited to snuggle him. So excited, in fact, there's the possibility I might smother him with my love. It almost happened with Pebbles. I didn't realize how tight my grasp was until my dad mentioned that her face was looking a little red. Whoops. Guess I'm prone to mini "Of Mice or Men" moments around newborns.
Also, this time of reflection while waiting for the call that he has arrived has reminded me why I was meant to have scheduled c-sections. I love surprises, but this waiting game KILLS me!
Ohhh this momma is ready for this little guy to come out too!!
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