Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Glance Into The Future

After arriving at work this morning, I booted up my 1994 PC to find my inbox flooded with e-mails from co-workers who had apparently spent the morning catching up on the latest YouTube celebrities. After seeing that Grand Puba also caught on to the Dancing Nana phenomenon via facebook, I decided she would be the perfect subject for this week's post. I am not sure if family/friends would agree, but co-workers have concluded that the following video represents Big Boca Bob in approximately 50 years.

If this is how my co-workers see me, I must be doing something right. Flash forward a few decades and visualize this same video with a pretty awesome Hispanic woman dancing down the stairs with Gangam Style blasting from the speakers. I can only hope to make my future children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren beam with pride as the world views my sweet hip thrusts and fancy footwork. Skills like this just shouldn't go to waste.
I spent the last 20 minutes typing an e-mail to this woman as I truly believe she is an idol to many. Try watching this video without smiling. It just can't be done. If you prove me wrong, you have no soul and we should most likely terminate our relationship. Just kidding......but not.
"We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance!"

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