Saturday, January 7, 2012

Is This Real Life?!

I just finished a very short and very sad attempt at a "run".


Wearing a tshirt and running pants.


Today's Weather Report?

Is this real life?

Sidenote: I have officially lost ALL cardiovascular endurance that I used to once finish a marathon. Two miles almost ended my life today. This is not a joke. This blog audience has failed at serving as my accountability partners. Seriously people! Every time you see me on the street, please make it a point to take a stick and shove my sorry, slowly-progressing-in-size be-hind in gear. Because I somehow have to fit in a bridesmaid dress AND swimsuit for a Florida destination wedding by July. My eyes are watering just thinking about it.

Those of you who follow the work of Gabriel Iglesias understand that people of "my kind" come in six different sizes of fat. They are as follows:
  1. Big
  2. Healthy
  3. Husky
  4. Fluffy
  5. DAMN!
  6. And the infamous "AHH HELL NO!"
Do they make adult women's swimsuits in size fluffy?

If not, anyone got a tarp I can borrow?

1 comment:

Goldie said...

Haha! You'll get back to it. I have to get back in shape, too. I have to go back to work in less than two months and I have to be able to climb stairs and wrestle idiots again.... time to *gulp* exercise again

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