I would like to say that my lack of blogging lately has been due to time spent cleaning the house, training for the half marathon (coming up sooner than I would like), or utilizing all my new cooking supplies courtesy of Mama Dirt. However, I regret to inform you that I have been lazy. Not just lack of energy, sorry Gilbert we can't go for a walk today lazy. I'm talking like lay in bed after coming home because my back aches, my feet hurt, and I have a pounding headache lazy. So......I am SNAPPING MYSELF OUT OF THIS FUNK!! This week has been devoted to training runs, healthy eating, and stress management and relaxation techniques. I am happy to report that days 1-2 have been uber successful. Please hold the applause.......Reggie shit in the house this morning and my stress management skills are still a little under developed. I do believe, though, that with a little time and lots of practice, I am on my way to starting each day with more pep in my step.
I would now like to segue into my New Year's blog meant to be posted approximately five days ago. Father time is sprinting these days. Doesn't he know I'm more of an endurance girl?
My transition from 2010 to 2011 was somewhat uneventful, but incredibly entertaining nonetheless. El Aguila made the trip to Casa de Bob with his girlfriend (yet to be nicknamed) to ring in the new year with his favorite older sister. Sign #364 that I am aging - I call my underage, younger brother and his girlfriend to hang out with me on New Year's Eve.
Aren't they quite the attractive couple?

Theme of the night?
Fun Games.
While Officer Bob was still protecting the county from drug addicts and prostitutes, El Aguila, his girlfriend, and I started the evening with a fun round of Win, Lose, or Draw. I think it is safe to say that we ALL lack the artistic gene. It didn't help that the game was invented circa 1977 and my fancy TV could barely handle the state-of-the-art graphics. I don't really think there was a winner of this game. We all lose. Note the picture below.......three guesses as to what it is. And I am 99.9% sure that no one will guess correctly. Sorry yet-to-be-nicknamed girlfriend, but you are not the next Da Vinci.
Following Win, Lose, or Draw was a one-woman show on Wii Fit. El Aguila and I are very competitive siblings, and I would like to use this blog as my platform to gloat. I dominated EVERY game on Wii Fit setting new records and high scores. El Aguila sulked in his inferiority. Sorry, man, but yous gots to train fo' next year, bro!! I not only served as Queen of the Wii, but I also took my role as videographer very seriously. Say hello to the hula hoop! (Which though not documented, I totally dominated. These Mexican hips FINALLY come in handy for something!)
By this time, Officer Bob arrived home from work and we rang in the new year with kisses and bubbly (minus the kisses). Officer Bob would not give in to my multiple requests.
12:01 hit and it was officially time to start the Zumba party! Thanks to CareBear I have become hooked on this game. Titty Baby and CareBear recently had us over for a Zumba party, and it was like giving David Hasselhoff his first beer. I was attached! As a result, I immediately drove to the nearest Wal-Mart to purchase my own copy. For those of you who are unaware of the Zumba fitness phenomenon, I will not enlighten you with words. Instead I give you actual footage................
The topper on the night was Officer Bob agreeing to play as well. Keep in mind that the game does not involve running in place. This is just Officer Bob's interpretation of dance steps. See what I have to work with?
Eventually he got groovin' a little more, but I was only able to capture a still of his magic feet in action.

I know there is also secret footage of the one and only Titty Baby shakin' it in the name of Zumba, and as soon as I can get my hands on that video, you will have entertainment that could last a lifetime.
All in all......a fabulous time spent with fabulous people.
Happy New Year Blog Readers!
Here's to a happy, healthy, and one helluva 2011!