Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Wait Is Over

Actually, the wait was over last Thursday at exactly 12:34pm.

I have to keep my readers in suspense to make sure you are all still reading this silly thing. Most of you probably caught up with the news thanks to Aunt Mrs. over at One Carbon Hill (the punctual Aunt), but we  can always use a good dose of adorable baby photos. 

Introducing 8lbs 9oz and 20.25" of cuteness - Cayden Edwin Pokarney.

There are few things in life I know for certain, but I am confident in proclaiming the following facts.
  • Big Sister Pebbles was made for her role as mentor and protector of this little guy.
  • Mama CareBear and Daddy Titty Baby absolutely love when Aunt Llama and Aunt Big Boca Bob spend approximately 8 hours entertaining each other in the hospital room. We are the funniest people we know and we are not shy in sharing that message.
  • This family of four shares a love that can match no other. When Officer Bob and I decide to start a family of our own, they will serve as inspiration for the true meaning of the word. I am grateful for the opportunity to sit back and watch them grow in their own happiness. Thank you for letting me be a tiny part of your magical world.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Passing The Time Waiting For The Brother of Pebbles


Pebbles's Brother.

I'm talking to you.

Hurry up and get out here.

I am running out of things to occupy my time waiting for your arrival. While not so patiently waiting, I have realized the following:

1. Amazing Sidewalk Art Amazes Me - Simply Amazing

2. My Christmas List this year has exactly one item - a sleeping bag with legs. Yes. Please.

3. Ellen and I have been, currently are, and always will be BFFs.

Okay - so they may not be GREAT accomplishments, but I would like to think I am using my time wisely. I also decorated the house for holiday festivities. Officer Bob loves this time of year (note: sarcasm).

In conclusion, the suspense is killing me.

Let's go baby boy. Aunt Big Boca Bob is ready to do some cuddling :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Happy Catalogidays

Today I walked to the mailbox (with hesitation I might add as I recently received a jury duty summons from said mailbox) and I peered inside only to find this.......

ELEVEN catalogs.

I am on the mailing list from crappy catalog heaven. So what does one do with all of this reading material? Take it to work and spend your lunch break gazing over the crappiest potential Christmas gifts ever. Obviously.

If anyone is looking for a willie warmer (used exactly for what you were thinking), a wine dispensing sports bra, an "I Survived Sharknado" tshirt, an electric peanut butter maker, a set of cat coasters, a crocodile bird feeder, a set of dress up squirrel magnets, a bacon popcorn kit, a Bigfoot ornament, a Wonder Woman Mrs. Potato Head, camouflage toilet paper, or a moose oven mitt, please let me know. I have resources for you.

The holiday season is officially here.

I have the mailbox to prove it.

P.S. The wine dispensing sports bra is on sale. Worth it.
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