February 2013 has been dedicated to role playing.
Get your minds out of the gutter people.
I'm talking "dressing like a fool and embarrassing my future husband" kind of role playing. No kinky involved. Real clothes are overrated. I kind of wish my closet consisted of more costumes. I'm not lying when I say that I could totally live my entire life dressing as a different character each day. Am I odd? Yes. Is being odd fun? Heck to the Yes.
I give you......
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.
NOT in that order as pictured.
Word to the wise:
Never invite Big Boca's family to a theme party.
It is ALWAYS taken literally.
Last night I became:
Saturday Night Fever
Bachelorette Disco Queen
A girl can never over accessorize.
Next month, I get to be a princess.
Maybe not one of my most predicted roles,
but definitely much anticipated.
By the way:
I know you are all waiting for photos/stories from the bachelorette party. I will not disappoint. Just give me a chance to alphabetize my extensive collection of adult videos I was gifted. I'm a little obsessive compulsive when it comes to my nudey movies.